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On April 28, 2015, the European Parliament approved the reform of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), which includes a 7 percent cap on food crop based biofuels for the transport sector.
The EU28 grain harvest is now under way in most Member States.
Round 10 of T-TIP Negotiations Held in Brussels July 12-17, 2015 ... Opposition at Council over GMO Proposal ... Hogan Speaks at Expo Milan – Agri-Food Chain Coalition Event ...
This report provides an overview on the biofuel use mandates in the various EU-28 member states.
In December 2014 Romania confirmed the second case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), atypical form, as part of the BSE surveillance program.
This report provides updated information on the agricultural and food legislation in Romania.
This report provides updated information on the agricultural and food legislation in Romania.
At the beginning of November 2014, a Newcastle Disease outbreak was confirmed on a Romanian poultry farm.