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Egypt’s economy is rebounding registering its largest growth rate since the outbreak of the 2011 revolution, growing by 4.2 percent in FY 2014/15.
On September 7, 2014 the former Minister of Agriculture Dr. Adel El Beltagy issued Ministerial Decree # 1495 to reestablish the National Biosafety Committee (NBC).
As required by U.S. statute, the United States maintains a trade embargo with Cuba. However, agricultural commodities are exempt provided that export transactions meet certain legal criteria.
Agricultural and Food Developments during the month of November 2015.
Egypt’s food processing is a very dynamic sector, averaging a compound annual growth rate of 12 percent in the last 5 years.
MY 2015/16 wheat imports are forecast at 11.5 million metric tons (MMT) in line with USDA’s official estimate.
News on developments in agriculture and food in Egypt.
Egypt’s government has backtracked on the policy of eliminating cotton subsidies to the sector and has allocated cash subsidies valued at LE 261.7 million to buy the MY2015/16 cotton crop.
Looking for trade and economic data, trade regulations, service providers, or general background information on Cuba?
In December 2014 the United States embarked on a new diplomatic journey with Cuba, in the process rejuvenating U.S. agriculture’s interest in our southern neighbor.
News on developments in agriculture and food in Egypt.
Egyptian wood sector industry is poised to grow domestically, as the Government of Egypt engages in large-scale infrastructure projects...