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This report updates information on export certificates issued by US government agencies, to comply with Mexican import standards and regulations or to attest that the corresponding agricultural....
U.S. Christmas trees have had a tough season in Mexico, as higher prices, the peso depreciation, pest detections, and competition with domestic and artificial trees have all taken their toll.
Infographic exploring the growth of U.S. potato products exports over the last 10 years.
Effective November 7, 2015, the full range of U.S. beef products gained market access to the Macau Special Administrative Region.
SEMARNAT announced proposed modifications to NOM- 144-SEMARNAT-2012 which established phytosanitary measures for wood packaging materials.
SAGARPA published an announcement which the Characteristics and Specifications to be met on the Quality Certification Labels of Seeds for Planting are Established.
Mexican Hass avocado production is forecast to be 1.6 million metric tons (MMT) in marketing year (MY) 2015/2016, an increase over MY 2014/15.
Asia Fruit Logistica (AFL) 2015, Hong Kong’s largest trade show for fruit, vegetables and nuts, attracted 13 U.S. exhibitors, who generated 141 serious contacts, and achieved US$1 million onsite sales
15 U.S. exhibitors reported over $167,000 in projected sales following their successful participation in Natural and Organic Products Expo Asia held in Hong Kong from August 26-28.
15 U.S. exhibitors reported US$14.8 million on-site sales and US$22.4 million projected sales following a successful Seafood Expo Asia 2015 trade show held in Hong Kong September 8-10.
The Hong Kong market continues to be a strong destination for U.S. food and beverage products, with restaurant receipts and food retail sales of US $12.87 billion and US $11.47 billion in 2014...
Fresh and chilled/frozen pork consumption in Hong Kong is forecast to maintain a stable level in 2015 and 2016, however, fluctuations in re-export demand could influence overall import levels.