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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: FAIRS Export Certificate Report

This report updates information on export certificates issued by US government agencies, to comply with Mexican import standards and regulations or to attest that the corresponding agricultural....
U.S. Christmas trees have had a tough season in Mexico, as higher prices, the peso depreciation, pest detections, and competition with domestic and artificial trees have all taken their toll.
Charts and Graphs

French Fries Dominate U.S. Potato Exports

Infographic exploring the growth of U.S. potato products exports over the last 10 years.
SEMARNAT announced proposed modifications to NOM- 144-SEMARNAT-2012 which established phytosanitary measures for wood packaging materials.
SAGARPA published an announcement which the Characteristics and Specifications to be met on the Quality Certification Labels of Seeds for Planting are Established.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Avocado Annual

Mexican Hass avocado production is forecast to be 1.6 million metric tons (MMT) in marketing year (MY) 2015/2016, an increase over MY 2014/15.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Idaho's Governor leads a Trade Mission to Mexico

ATO Mexico City hosts Idaho trade mission.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Mexico Announces Sugar Cane Reference Price

CONADESUCA, through the Secretariat of Economy (SE), published in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) the standard sugar reference price to determine the cane payment for MY 2015/16.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

Apple production in Mexico for marketing year (MY) 2015/16 (August/July) is forecast at 700,000 metric tons (MT), a smaller crop compared to MY 2014/15.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Dairy and Products Annual

As Mexico is expecting a recovery in milk production in MY2016, the consumption of fluid milk is decreasing while demand for specialized products is a growing trend among consumers.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Grain and Feed Update

Mexican sorghum production has been plagued with a serious sugarcane aphid (SCA) infestation resulting in reduced crop yields, harvest efficiency reduction, and in some areas severe crop loses.
ATO Mexico City was part of the largest cultural event in Mexico City, Feria de las Culturas Amigas.