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Spain’s Energy Markets Watchdog Supports Specific Targets ... “Science meets Parliament” Event ... ENVI Committee Rejects Bid to Stop Glyphosate ... ILUC Directive Published in Official Journal ...
Estimated milled rice production in Myanmar for MY 2015/16 has been reduced by 400,000 metric tons from the MY2014/15’s level due to flooding in late July and early August.
Flood inundated more than 400,000 hectares of farmland including 393,031 hectares of monsoon paddy fields and about 72,064 hectare of other crops such as corn, sesame and pulses...
Minister of Agriculture Kátia Abreu discussed expanding beef, poultry, dairy, fruit, and wheat trade with Russia, Myanmar, Japan, South Africa, and Argentina.
On April 28, 2015, the European Parliament approved the reform of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), which includes a 7 percent cap on food crop based biofuels for the transport sector.
The EU28 grain harvest is now under way in most Member States.
Round 10 of T-TIP Negotiations Held in Brussels July 12-17, 2015 ... Opposition at Council over GMO Proposal ... Hogan Speaks at Expo Milan – Agri-Food Chain Coalition Event ...
This report provides an overview on the biofuel use mandates in the various EU-28 member states.
Production of rice, corn, beans, and pulses is forecast to rise in MY 2014/15 and MY 2015/16, offering greater export opportunities.
After a record jump of milk production in 2014, the increase of output is expected to decline in 2015 due to slower export demand...
The EU-28 production of sugar for food for MY 2014/15 is estimated to increase to 16.750 million MT in raw sugar equivalent (RSE), from 16.0 million MT in MY 2013/14...
The outlook for the MY2015/16 EU28 grain crop is positive with another sizeable crop forecast, albeit down from the record volume achieved in MY2014/15.