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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Exporter Guide

Pakistan is a small but growing market for imported consumer food products and the small modern retail sector is growing slowly.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Caribbean Basin: Caribbean Basin Exporter Guide

Over the past 12 years (2003-2014) U.S. exports of consumer-oriented products and fish products to the Caribbean have averaged over nine percent annual growth, surpassing the $1 billion mark in 2014.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Trinidad and Tobago: FAIRS Export Certificate Report

This report outlines Trinidad and Tobago’s (TT) certification requirements and includes an Export Certificate Matrix as well as examples of select Export Certificates.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Trinidad and Tobago: FAIRS Country Report

While most U.S. food products readily enter Trinidad and Tobago (TT), consideration for an import license, health certification, product labeling and other documentation for select products...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Cotton and Products Update

Pakistan’s MY 2015/16 (August-July) cotton production is expected to reach 8.2 million 480 lb bales, down nearly 25 percent from last year’s crop.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Oilseeds and Products Update

Pakistan continues to expand its imports of soybeans, importing over 500,000 metric tons in 2014/15 (a record), with projected 2015/16 imports of 1.5 million metric tons.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Cotton Update

Pakistan’s 2015/16 cotton production is forecast at 9.2 million 480 lb bales, down 800,000 from the previous estimate, and the lowest level since 2010.
Caribbean nations are very heterogeneous in terms of history, culture, and GDP.
The Food Marketing Consultants, Inc. with the help of FAS and its partner commodity organizations, penetrated seven Caribbean markets and tripled its exports sales...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Grain and Feed Update

Planting of the Rabi (winter) wheat crop is expected to get underway in a few weeks.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Pakistan: Sugar Semi-annual

Sugar production is forecast at 5.4 million metric tons, up slightly from a year ago.
Post organized the training schedule for a 12 member delegation from Pakistan who were part of a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded capacity development program in South Africa...