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In October 2020, the Ministry of Commerce published notification 68/2020, which reduced the number of tariff lines that require an import license.
Although Burma (also called Myanmar) does not yet have a comprehensive biosafety legislation, the final version of the National Biosafety Framework is completed and pending approval...
This report lists the major export certificates required by Burmese government agencies for U.S products exported to Burma.
Burma’s beans and pulse production in MY 2020/21 is forecast to increase by 3 percent with expanded growing areas, especially for Black matpe and Toor whole in line with increased demand from India.
With the onset of COVID-19, the Government of Myanmar adjusted its rice trade policy to maintain price stability and increase farmer incomes while also ensuring a sufficient supply for domestic...
Burma's livestock sector, which has been experiencing strong growth, is expected to slow due to travel restrictions, decreasing demand, and low prices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In MY 2020/21, rice production in Burma is forecast to increase in anticipation of favorable weather and increased demand from the European Union and China following COVID-19.
There are no significant developments to convey since the previous report from November 2018.
Burma is in the process of updating many of its laws and regulations.