According to the German parliament's scientific service, T-TIP could force Germany to abolish its plans for labeling for food from animals fed with GMO feed.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Southeast Asia: A Fast-Growing Market for U.S. Agricultural Products

U.S. agricultural exports to Southeast Asia have experienced extremely rapid growth in recent years and, in FY 2014, they climbed to a record $11.5 billion – up 11 percent from FY 2013.
FAS Berlin brought a speaker presenting on the U.S. food safety system and policy to a T-TIP workshop in Germany.
International Agricultural Trade Report

India Sees Surge in Agricultural Exports to Least Developed Countries

In recent years, India’s exports have demonstrated phenomenal growth – especially to developing countries, which now account for nearly 80 percent of Indian exports.
International Agricultural Trade Report

U.S. Processed Food Exports: Growth & Outlook

Exports of high-value, processed food products have been a significant contributor to the strongest five-year period for agricultural exports in U.S. history.