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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Cuba: Food and Agricultural Import Relations and Standards

U.S. suppliers willing to navigate a detailed set of U.S. regulatory controls related to exporting to Cuba will find that the island is fairly receptive to U.S. products.
U.S. suppliers willing to clear initial hurdles will find Trinidad and Tobago to be an import-friendly country.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Retail Foods

Brazil's food retail sector continues to grow, creating an increasingly competitive environment for exporters.
A summary of regulations and standards governing the import of food and agricultural products to Costa Rica
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Mexico: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

The U.S. remains the leading provider of deciduous fruit to Mexico, as local production is not sufficient to address domestic demand.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Brazil: Exporter Guide

Although Brazil is a major agricultural producer, there are opportunities for U.S. companies to gain a share of Brazil’s $4.2 billion consumer-oriented food product market.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Ecuador: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual 2013

Although Ecuador maintains a number of anti-biotech laws and regulations, there is minimal enforcement, and trade in cotton and soybean products continues.
As Mexico's organic industry grows, the government has issued new rules and requirements for organic certification.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Venezuela: Prospects for U.S. Agricultural Exports

Venezuela offers growing opportunities for U.S. agricultural exports, despite strong competition and other challenges.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Processed Product Spotlight: Pet Food

Growing demand for pet food is creating new opportunities for U.S exporters in both established and emerging markets worldwide.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Processed Product Spotlight: Chocolate Candy

While trade in chocolate confectionery remains small relative to overall demand, U.S. exporters are finding opportunities in both developed and emerging markets around the globe.
An update for U.S. exporters of meat and poultry products on the procedures for registering USDA federally inspected establishments with the Government of Colombia.