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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Chile: Economic Outlook for Chilean Agriculture

In 2024, political uncertainty will continue to diminish, and GDP will grow between 1.25 and 2.25 percent due to a recovery in consumption. This will bring opportunities for U.S. exporters looking to ship products to Chile. Agricultural GDP grew firmly in the past three years, reaching $28.9 billion in 2023.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Chile: Avocado Annual

Chile's output and exports of avocados are expected to increase this production season, due to better weather conditions last winter.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Chile: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual 2013

Chile's production of table grapes, apples and pears will be smaller than last year’s output as a result of September's frost.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Chile: Food Processing Ingredients

Higher living standards and improved economic conditions led to a significant rise in consumer spending on food and beverages in Chile over the past year.