Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Citrus Semi-annual

For marketing year (MY) 2021/22, Post revises its estimates for fresh lemon production to 1.90 million metric tons (MMT), up by 15 percent, due to favorable weather conditions. Fresh orange production is projected to increase to 920,000 metric tons (MT), and fresh tangerine production is expected to increase to 400,000 MT.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Dairy and Products Semi-annual

The prevailing extraordinary factors make it difficult to estimate exports for the rest of the year and the coming year. Other factors have been added to the recurrent volatility of the international dairy market.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Semi-annual

For Marketing Year (MY) 2021/22, Post forecasts that fresh deciduous fruit production is estimated to decrease by 7 percent, due to unexpected frost that affected the crops at beginning of October 2021. Some producers had active frost defenses in place and were less affected, while others experienced serious crop losses.