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World Agricultural Production

World Agricultural Production

Monthly report on crop acreage, yield and production in major countries worldwide. Sources include reporting from FAS’s worldwide offices, official statistics of foreign governments....
World Production, Markets, and Trade Report

Cotton: World Markets and Trade

This monthly report includes data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in cotton.
Since USDA first established a stand-alone mission area focusing on trade and international affairs in 2017, USDA’s Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and the Foreign Agricultural Service, have made significant trade policy advances to support U.S. agriculture. This series of commodity fact sheets highlights the many recent trade policy advances achieved by USDA.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Cotton and Products Update

Turkey’s cotton production is now estimated at 625,000 MT (2.87 million bales) on 350,000 hectares in marketing year (MY) 2020/21.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Cotton and Products Update

Indonesia cotton consumption for 2019/20 has declined to a 10-year low of 2.4 million bales due to weaker domestic and overseas demand related to COVID-19.