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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

With a new government in place since December 2023, the biofuels sector is projected to move on to a freer business environment through less limitations and official controls. Changes are expected to come through a new biofuels law or reforms to the current one in place since 2021.
On January 5, 2024, The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Ministry of Economy authorized for the first time the commercialization of four genetically modified (GM) yeasts to enhance bioethanol production through grain fermentation. Industry supports this decision and expects it to help pave the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future in fuels.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

Bioethanol consumption in 2023 is forecast at 1.17 billion liters, the highest on record, because of strong gasoline demand and a high blend rate.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

Argentine bioethanol consumption for 2022 is forecast at a record 1.1 billion liters due to the combination of increased gasoline demand and a higher blend rate, close to the maximum official blend rate. Biodiesel production in 2022 is projected to...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

Argentine biofuel production in 2021 continues to suffer from the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic which has reduced fuel demand, a prolonged domestic economic recession, and recent changes in policy.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

The Covid-19 pandemic is negatively impacting the Argentine biofuels sector in 2020 as long-term lockdown provisions continue to restrict the full range of personal and commercial activities.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

Argentina’s fuel ethanol production and consumption remains stable with 2019 forecast at 1.1 billion liters with no trade expected and the E12 mandate blend near 11.5 percent.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

Argentina’s fuel ethanol production and consumption remains stable with 2019 forecast at 1.1 billion liters with no trade expected and the E12 mandate blend near 11.5 percent.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

Argentine fuel ethanol production and consumption are forecast to increase to a record 1.15 billion liters in 2018 as the local industry expands in order to fulfill the official quota....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

EU-28: Biofuels Annual

On June 14, 2018, an agreement on the successor to the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) was reached for 2021-2030.
This report provides an overview on the biofuel use mandates in the various EU-28 member states. It supplements the EU-28 Biofuel Annual Report.
On June 14, 2018, negotiators from the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission found a political agreement on the next iteration of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II).