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China’s MY 2024/25 sugar production is forecast at 11 MMT, up 600,000 MT as acreage for both cane and beet are up and competition crops are less profitable.
With the outlook for the sugar industry largely unchanged from the previous report, no significant changes are made to the supply and demand tables.
China’s MY 2024/25 sugar production is forecast at 10.4 MMT as the planted areas for both cane and beet are expected to rise. Given sugar prices are expected to trend down, China’s MY 2024/25 sugar consumption estimate is also forecast to increase to 15.7 MMT.
Due to a slight increase in cane area and production, sugar production in 2024/25 is forecast to reach 6.8 million tons, 3 percent higher than 2023/24. In line with population growth and demand from the food processing sector, continued moderate growth in sugar consumption is forecast.
MY 2022/23 China’s sugar imports declined due to escalating world prices. Following suit, Chinese sugar prices spiked at the highest levels since 2012.
MY 2022/23 cane sugar production is estimated at 7.92 MMT, revised down 1.08 MMT from the USDA official estimate due to lower-than-normal rainfall in Guangxi, China’s largest sugar producing province. Sugar consumption has begun to rebound since after the removal of COVID-related restrictions. As China’s sugar imports are curbed by high world prices, stocks are likely to decline.
Sugar production in 2023/24 is forecast at 7.05 million tons, three percent above the 2022/23 estimate. The marginal increase is due to expectations for a recovery in cane area harvested compared to the flood-damaged 2022/23 crop.
China’s estimated MY2021/22 sugar imports and stocks are revised upward, while consumption is revised downward due to low world prices and COVID-related policy impacts. Assuming beet acreage rebounds in Inner Mongolia, the MY2022/23 sugar production remains forecasted at 10 MMT.
The 2022/2023 sugarcane harvested area is slightly reduced due to the impacts of the recent flooding in key production areas. As a result, the 2022/23 cane sugar production forecast is lowered to 7 million tons. Despite the slight decline in output expected, there will still be an exportable surplus, and the 2022/23 export forecast remains 1 million tons.
MY 2021/22 estimates for production, trade, and consumption are all revised downward.
Due to slight increases in area and sugarcane yields, sugar production in 2022/23 is forecast to reach 7.2 million metric tons (MMT), a marginal increase over the good 2021/22 crop. Sugar consumption for 2022/23 is forecast at 6.1 MMT, which would be a 3.3 percent increase, reflecting population growth and demand from the expanding food processing sector.
The sugar production forecast for MY21/22 (October – September) is revised down to 10.3 MMT on slower than expected growth in cane acreage and more sugar beet acreage losing out to corn.