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Eswatini sugar cane production in MY 2023/24 was affected by unfavorable climatic conditions and proliferation of the yellow aphid leaf. This affected cane production and quality resulting to the season ending earlier than normal.
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka’s (Sri Lanka) Ministry of Health extended the implementation effective date of the Food (Color Coding for Sugar Levels-Liquids) Regulations (2022) from January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2025.
Post forecasts sugar cane production in Eswatini will increase by 1.5 percent to 5.6 million MT in MY 2023/24, based on increased available irrigation water, expanded planted area, and a return to trend yields.
Post forecasts that sugar cane production in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) will increase by 2 percent, to 5.3 million metric tons (MT) in the 2022/23 MY, based on good rainfall, increased available irrigation water, normal weather conditions, expanded planted area and consistent cane yields.
Post forecasts that sugar cane production in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) will increase marginally by 1 percent to 6.1 million Metric Tons (MT) in the 2021/22 Marketing Year (MY), based on good rainfall, increased available irrigation water, normal weather conditions, growth in the area planted and consistent cane yields.
Post forecasts that sugar cane production in Eswatini will increase by 5 percent to 6.0 million Metric Tons (MT) in the 2020/21 Marketing Year (MY), based on normal weather and rainfall...
The Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka introduces a new regulation under the section 32 of the Food Act, No. 26 of 1980, in consultation with the Food Advisory Committee.
With the recently successful conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations with the European Union (EU), Swaziland maintained its preferential market access to Europe.
Post forecasts that sugar cane production in Swaziland will increase by 5 percent to 5,700,000 MT in the 2018/19 MY, due to good rainfall received at the beginning of the year....
Post forecasts that the sugar cane production in Swaziland will increase by about five percent to 5,200,000 MT in the 2017/18 MY, from 4,973,571 MT in the 2016/17 MY, based on normal weather....
The drought is forecasted to severely impact the 2016/17 MY Swaziland sugar cane crop.
With the recently successful conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations with the European Union (EU), Swaziland maintained its preferential market access to Europe.