Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: USJTA Treatment for Coarse Grains

This is one in a series of reports providing concise overviews of how the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA), which entered into force on January 1, 2020, affects certain product groups.
On February 6, 2020, the State Council Tariff Commission announced that China would cut in half the additional tariffs for certain commodities from the United States on February 14, 2020.
On August 23, 2019, the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF), State Council Tariff Commission (SCTC) announced new tariffs on certain U.S. products, valued at $75 billion USD.
On May 13, 2019, the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF), State Council Tariff Commission (SCTC) announced that supplementary import tariffs levied on certain U.S. products....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Algeria: Trade Policy Update

The Government of Algeria (GoA) introduced a temporary additional safeguard duty (DAPs) to replace the import ban established in January 2018.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Morocco: Technical Regulation on Seed Potatoes

This report contains the unofficial translation of the technical regulation on production, testing, packaging and certification of seed potatoes.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Russia: New Program to Develop Domestic Seeds and Genetics

A new Federal Scientific and Technical Program for Agricultural Development in 2017-2025 was adopted via Russian Government decree No. 996 on August 25, 2017.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Growing Opportunities for U.S. Agricultural Exports in India

U.S. exporters who want to enter or expand in India’s market have an array of opportunities available due to the country’s growing population and increasing demand for food and agricultural goods.
The Government of Russia (GOR) published a significantly modified draft of Russian Government Regulation (Resolution) on the quarantine phytosanitary control of imported planting seeds and planting...
International Agricultural Trade Report

EU Agricultural Exports, Trade Surplus with U.S. Reach Record Levels in 2015

While the United States had a $16 billion agricultural trade surplus with the rest of the world in 2015, it ran a record $12 billion trade deficit in farm and food products with the European Union.
The U.S-Mexico ag trade relationship is broad and deep, with opportunities to further integrate our rural economies while supplying desired products to consumers in both countries year-round.