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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Retail Foods Annual

Vietnam’s food retail market consisted of over 665,000 outlets generating sale revenue of $55 billion in 2023, up four percent compared to 2022. Although the global economic downturn has slowed growth, key retailers remain optimistic about the potential of Vietnam's retail market.
International Agricultural Trade Report

Opportunities for U.S. Agricultural Products in Vietnam and Thailand

Vietnam offers abundant opportunities for exporting consumer-oriented products, despite the challenges of recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and dealing with high inflation. The Vietnamese economy is poised for significant expansion in the coming decades. With a burgeoning population and a growing middle class, Vietnamese consumers are becoming more discerning about the origin and composition of their food.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Food Processing Ingredients Annual

Vietnam’s food processing industry comprises some 11,000 companies, valued at $73.8 billion in 2023. Growth in 2023 was 6.1%, down from a blistering 8.8% in 2021 and 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Retail Foods

Vietnam's total retail sales in 2022 rose 13 percent year-on-year to $192 billion driven by a rebound in domestic consumption along with record-high gross domestic product (GDP) growth at 8.02 percent, according to Vietnam’s General Statistical Office.
Trade Yearbook

2023 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook

The 2023 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook provides a statistical summary of U.S. agricultural commodity exports to the world during the 2023 calendar year.
Trade Yearbook

2022 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook

The 2022 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook provides a statistical summary of U.S. agricultural commodity exports to the world during the 2022 calendar year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Food Processing Ingredients

Vietnam’s food processing and manufacturing sector grew by 8.8 percent in 2022 versus 2021, while food retail revenue increased by 10 percent.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Lithuania: Baltic States - Wine Market Brief

Baltic States’ wine consumption has steadily increased in recent years due to higher disposable incomes, easier access to higher quality products, and evolving consumer trends. Since the Baltic States are European Union (EU) Member States, Baltic wine importers and distributors enjoy relatively easy access to wines available within the common market, including many U.S. wines which generally enter the EU through Western European ports of entry or Lithuania.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Retail Foods

Despite COVID-19's widespread impacts on Vietnam for most of 2021, total retail sales were estimated at approximately $172 billion, marginally up 0.2 percent over 2020, according to Vietnam’s General Statistical Office (GSO). The fourth and largest wave of COVID-19 started on April 29, 2021, and rapidly spread across Vietnam, severely affecting all industries, including the retail food sector.
Trade Yearbook

2021 Agricultural Export Yearbook

The 2021 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook provides a statistical summary of U.S. agricultural commodity exports to the world.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Food Processing Ingredients

Vietnam's food processing sector was hit by COVID-19 restrictions but the food processing and manufacturing sector still grew by 2.9 percent in 2021 versus 2020.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Retail Foods

Vietnam’s total retail sales were estimated at approximately $172 billion, up 6.8 percent over 2019, with food and beverage accounting for approximately 30 percent.