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- (-) Oilseeds (excl. soybean)
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Turkey recently announced that the tariff on imported sunflowerseed would increase from zero to 5 percent from October 27 through the end of 2022. This revision coincides with Turkey’s sunflowerseed harvest.
On October 13, the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) opened a public comment period for proposed revisions to the genetically engineered (GE) labeling requirements of the Food Labeling Standards.
In MY 2022/23 Bulgaria expects to harvest a sunflower crop of 2-2.1 million metric tons (MMT), on par with the previous season. Despite optimistic expectations early in the season based on higher area planted and favorable weather, average yields have been affected by the summer drought and heat, along with higher pest infestation.
This report updates several sections of the European Union’s “Oilseeds and Products Annual” report released in April 2022. Updated sections include soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower. Increased areas of about 10 percent for all three major oilseeds but lower average yields for sunflower, and rapeseed are forecast to result in a total of about 3 percent higher production in MY 2022/23.
With favorable weather conditions and an expansion in the area harvested, Turkey’s sunflowerseed production is forecast to hit a record of 1.9 million metric tons (MMT) in marketing year (MY) 2022/23. Production of sunflower meal and oil are likewise projected at record highs.
Soybean production in marketing year (MY) 2015/16 (Oct-Sept) is forecast lower to 7.5 million metric tons (MMT) planted on 11.6 million hectares.
The victory of President-elect Maurcio Macri on November 22nd, has lifted producer expectations and will likely have a significant impact domestically and in international markets.
Indonesia is experiencing an El Nino event characterized by atypical dryness throughout much of its palm oil production regions.
The Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture estimated olive oil production for MY 2014/15 at 320,000 MT, which is a record high.
The beginning of marketing year 2015/16 features higher production volumes for sunflower seeds and soybeans, while rapeseed production is lower compared to the previous marketing year.
Pakistan continues to expand its imports of soybeans, importing over 500,000 metric tons in 2014/15 (a record), with projected 2015/16 imports of 1.5 million metric tons.
The first tentative post-harvest data on 2015 oilseeds crops showed rapeseed production in line with AgSofia’s earlier forecast, however, the sunflower crop declined due to the summer heatwave.