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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bulgaria: Oilseeds and Products Update

Following the conclusion of Bulgaria’s MY 2020/21 sunflower harvest in late October, the Ministry of Agriculture (MinAg) reported lower than expected yields and production.
On September 28, the European Commission (EC) approved Bayer’s herbicide tolerant soybean MON 87708 x MON 89788 x A5547-127, also known as XtendFlex.®
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Turkey: Oilseeds and Products Update

Turkey’s Marketing Year (MY) 2020/21 sunflowerseed area and production is estimated at 720,000 hectares and 1.56 million MT (MMT).
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bulgaria: Oilseeds and Products Update

Following the conclusion of Bulgaria’s rapeseed harvest in late July, Ministry of Agriculture (MinAg) and industry reports indicate lower than expected yields and production.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Romania: Drought Continues to Stymie Romanian Oilseeds

Although oilseed growers in western and central Romania benefited from early-summer precipitation, farmers in eastern Romania experienced significant drought conditions throughout the growing season.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

European Union: Oilseeds and Products Update

EU oilseeds production in MY 2020/21 is characterized by the lowest rapeseed production in more than a decade.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bulgaria: Oilseeds and Products Market Update

Bulgarian rapeseed production in marketing year (MY) 2020/21 is forecast lower at 300,000 metric tons (MT), an all-time low.
On June 2, 2020, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) issued EEC Collegium Decision No. 71, amending its temporary ban on exports of some food products from the EAEU to exclude soybeans...
Export VAT refunds for soybeans and rapeseed have been officially reestablished for all exporters. This should foster lower soybean crush numbers for marketing year (MY) 2020/21.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Romania: Oilseeds and Products Update

Post forecasts that year-on-year Romanian oilseed production will decline by 10.7 percent in marketing year (MY) 2020/21, mainly due to a decline in the sunflower area.
On April 29, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture provided explanations to the industry and related associations on imports of genetically engineered (GE) soybeans and soybean meal...
On April 16, 2020, the government of the Russian Federation signed Decree # 520, which says that for the period April 20, 2020 through January 1, 2021, imports of genetically engineered soybeans...