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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Post projects marketing year (MY) 2024/2025 soybean production at 10.3 million metric tons (MMT) with increased planted area of to 3.59 million hectares on increased second crop planting.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Oilseeds and Products Annual

After the 2023/24 El Niño cycle, fishmeal production in marketing year (MY) 2024/25 is expected to recuperate back to 1.1 million metric tons (MMT), a 39 percent increase compared to the previous year's estimates.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Peru is the largest fishmeal producer in the world. Fishmeal production in marketing year (MY) 2023/24 is forecast at 1.18 million metric tons, a 23 percent increase compared to the previous year's estimate.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Post projects marketing year (MY) 2023/2024 soybean production at 10 million metric tons (MMT) as planted area rises to 3.55 million hectares and Paraguay returns to trend for yield. MY 2023/2024 exports are projected at 6.4 MMT.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Post projects marketing year (MY) 2022/2023 soybean production at 10 million metric tons (MMT) on 3.45 million hectares as Paraguay rebounds to more normal conditions following a significant drought. MY 2022/23 exports are projected at 6 MMT.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Fishmeal exports reached a surprising 1.2 million metric tons (MMT) in MY 2021, the highest amount in ten years. However, production and exports are forecast to return to more normal levels at 910,000 and 896,000 metric tons, respectively.
2021/2022 Paraguayan soybean production is projected at 10
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Fishmeal production in MY 2021/2022 is forecast at 900,000 MT. Fishmeal exports in MY 2021/2022 are estimated at 894,000 MT, remaining at the same levels as the previous year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Paraguay 2020/2021 soybean production is forecast at 10.25 million tons with expected normal yields and a slight expansion in first crop soybeans and rebounded acreage for second crop soybeans.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Oilseeds and Products Annual

For over a decade, Peru has been one of the world’s top performing economies, registering sustained high growth accompanied by low inflation.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Peru: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Peru's 10-year moratorium on genetically engineered (GE) crops and zero tolerance for GE events is scheduled to expire in 2021.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Paraguay: Oilseeds and Products Annual

2019/20 Paraguayan soybean area is expected to increase minimally to 3.57 million hectares. Production is forecast to recover to 10 million tons as yields will return to historical averages after....