Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: New Zealand Wood Products and Forestry Report

In recent years, wood logs and processed wood products exports have accounted for seven percent of New Zealand's commodity exports. Approximately 38 percent of New Zealand’s landmass features native and exotic forestry; of this area, production forestry currently covers 6.5 percent or 1.8 million hectares of the country.
Forestry is a key sector in the New Zealand economy and contributes 11 percent of total exports.
The log harvest for the year ending September 2018 totaled 35.8 million cubic meters of roundwood, 2.5 percent higher than the previous year and is significantly ahead of the previous government’s....
New Zealand exotic plantation forestry area resumed a downward path in CY2015 and was estimated at 1.72 million hectares in April 2015.