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Rice export prices increased 4 percent as exporters are fulfilling large-volume contracted shipments.
With the onset of COVID-19, the Government of Myanmar adjusted its rice trade policy to maintain price stability and increase farmer incomes while also ensuring a sufficient supply for domestic...
Thai and Vietnam rice prices converged after a 7-8 percent further reduction in Thai rice export prices this week.
Severe drought in 2020 caused a sharp reduction in MY2019/20 off-season rice and corn production, leading to a 4.8 percent reduction in agricultural economic growth in the first quarter 2020.
Post predicts Ghana’s MY 2020/21 wheat and rice imports at 990,000 and 950,000 metric tons (MT), respectively.
The spring planting in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is ongoing and the weather and soil conditions are reportedly good.
Rice export prices declined 4-5 percent due to a lack of new inquiries after Vietnam removed its rice export restriction.
Marketing year (MY) 2020/21 (October to September), total area and rice production levels for Senegal, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Mali are forecast to increase 2.6 percent and 3.0 percent...
In MY 2020/21 Sri Lanka expects a healthy rice paddy harvest with a forecast of 4.4 million metric tons. The MY 2019/20 harvest would surpass the national target for self-sufficiency.
Rice export prices remain unchanged at high levels. Foreign buyers are reportedly seeking Vietnamese and Indian rice, which are approximately U.S. $65/MT and U.S. $165/MT cheaper than Thai rice...
The EU’s grain harvest in MY2020/21 is forecast to decline over 11MMT to 304 MMT, in large part due to extremely challenging planting conditions in the UK and France.
The report provides trade data on Vietnam's monthly rice exports by grades and destinations, and weekly quotes for export rice by grades.