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Since USDA first established a stand-alone mission area focusing on trade and international affairs in 2017, USDA’s Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and the Foreign Agricultural Service, have made significant trade policy advances to support U.S. agriculture. This series of commodity fact sheets highlights the many recent trade policy advances achieved by USDA.
The Dominican Republic’s food processing industry was valued at $2.2 billion as of September 2018 ($2.8 billion in Calendar Year [CY] 2017) in activities categorized as “food industry,”....
Since the United States entered into the CAFTA-DR trade agreement, U.S. agricultural exports to the six CAFTA-DR countries have more than doubled.
According to the Bank of Guatemala (BANGUAT), the food processing industry in Guatemala for year 2015, will grow 3.5 percent and will contribute 0.67 percent to the total GDP.
Central America and the Caribbean, with their close geographical and economic ties to the United States, have always been an important market for U.S. agricultural exports.