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On September 25, 2024, India’s Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoAFW) released final production estimates of major crops for Indian crop year (ICY) 2023/2024 (July-June). MoAFW estimated grain production at a record 332.3 million metric tons (MMT) due to record production of rice and wheat.
On June 4, 2024, the Indian government released the third advance estimate for Indian crop year (ICY) 2023/2024 (July-June) estimating grain production at 328.85 million metric tons (MMT), marginally below last year level.
On April 15, 2024, the Indian Metrological Department (IMD) predicted above normal 2024 monsoon rains. FAS New Delhi (Post) market year (MY) 2024/2025 (April-March) wheat production is forecast at a record 114 million metric tons (MMT), same as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) official forecast, on higher than initially expected yields in the northern Indian states due to favorable weather through the harvest.
India is gearing up for a record wheat harvest in market year (MY) 2024/2025. FAS New Delhi (Post) forecasts India's wheat production at 112.5 million metric tons (MMT), thanks to the timely and record plantings of wheat, which benefitted from favorable weather conditions from the time of planting through the reproductive growth stages.
On February 29, 2024, India's Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoAFW) released its Indian crop year (ICY) 2023/2024 (July-June) Second Advance Estimate. The MoAFW is forecasting grain production (excluding the summer crop) lower at 309.3 million metric tons (MMT) compared to 313.6 MMT last year on expected lower production of rice, corn, and other coarse grains, while wheat and barley production is forecast higher at new record levels.
Planting of India’s rabi season (i.e., winter sown, spring harvested) crops is progressing somewhat slower than anticipated due to relatively dry soil moisture conditions.
On October 27, 2023, India’s Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MOAFW) released Indian crop year (ICY) 2023/2024 (July-June) First Advance Estimate for the kharif (fall harvested) crop.
The recovery of the 2023 southwest monsoon from third week of June and forecasted normal precipitation in July will support ongoing planting of kharif (fall harvested) season crops.
The 2023 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook provides a statistical summary of U.S. agricultural commodity exports to the world during the 2023 calendar year.
FAS New Delhi's (Post) market year (MY) 2023/2024 wheat production forecast is raised to a record 110 million metric tons (MMT) on reported higher-than-earlier expected yields despite some weather incidences.
The 2022 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook provides a statistical summary of U.S. agricultural commodity exports to the world during the 2022 calendar year.
FAS New Delhi (Post) forecasts India’s market (MY) 2023/2024 (April-March) wheat production at 108 million metric tons (MMT) resulting from 31.9 million hectares.