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Wheat imports in MY 2015/16 are forecast at 1.90 MMT, up from 1.87 MMT the previous year.
February 15, 2016, VPSS will impose temporarily restrictions on corn and soybeans originating from the U.S. as a result of violations of international and Russian phytosanitary requirements.
MY 2015/16 rice exports are revised lower to 8 million tons based on the current pace of exports.
China’s huge grain stocks continue to impose severe pressures on China’s production and trade policies.
This guide provides an overview of export health certificates needed for exporting plants, animals, foods and other animal origin products to the European Union.
The combined production of wheat, barley, corn and oat production is forecast to fall marginally in 2016/2017 as a result of small increases in wheat and barley production being off-set...
China notified the WTO of the National Food Safety Standard of Vegetable Protein for Food Industry (an update of the GB/T 20371), issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission...
The MY 2015/16 wheat harvest reached 27.2 MMT, the largest crop since independence in 1990.
GOR Distributed Subsidies . . . Rospotrebnadzor Inspects Turkish Goods During New Year Holidays . . . Russian Veterinary Service Bans Imports from Largest Brazilian Beef Suppliers . . .
South Africa is battling one of the worst droughts ever recorded limiting the production of grains.
The Korean government announced that it will seek to mitigate overproduction of rice through measures including reduction of area for rice cultivation to 711,000 Ha by 2018, planting of other crops...
Post revised the corn production forecast to 6.1 MMT, an increase of 100,000 MT. The Turkish Grain Board procured nearly 5.4 MMT of grain after a record production for wheat, barley and corn in...