Attaché Report (GAIN)

Germany: No Cultivation of Biotech Corn in Germany

Seed companies have not objected to Germany for applying the “opt out” regulation for biotech corn varieties.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Kenya: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Bt corn and Bt cotton will likely be the first ever genetically modified crops to be cultivated in Kenya if the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) approves applications submitted...
On August 19, 2015 a Mexican federal judge from the XII District Court overturned a 2013 ruling that had prevented biotechnology companies, universities, or public research institutes from planting...
Turkish Poultry Meat Producers and Breeders Association (Besd-Bir) submitted dossiers to the Biosafety Board to request the approval for dozens of genetically engineered traits for feed use only.
The Peruvian Agricultural Innovation Institute has confirmed finding adventitious presence of genetically-modified (GM) corn in one corn field in northern Peru.