Attaché Report (GAIN)

South Korea: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

Korea’s fresh pear production is projected to rise by 10.2 percent to 202,000 metric tons (MT) in marketing year (MY) 2024/25, helped by favorable weather and lower incidences of diseases and pests compared to the previous year.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

Post estimates China’s production of apples, pears, and table grapes to increase moderately to 48 MMT, 20.2 MMT, and 14.2 MMT, respectively, in MY 2024/25. Substituted by domestic counterparts, grape imports are expected to further decline.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

New Zealand’s apple-planted area in the 2024/2025 market year (MY) is forecast to increase substantially to 11,100 hectares (ha) from the significant damage to farms due to Cyclone Gabrielle in February 2023.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Taiwan: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

Taiwan imports over 135,000 MT apples annually with domestic supply less than one percent. Post expects that MY 2024/2025 Taiwan apple imports will return to 145,000 MT with domestic supply stable at 1250 MT.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Australia: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

Australia’s table grape production is forecast to increase to 230,000 metric tons (MT) in marketing year (MY) 2024/25, the second largest on record, from an estimated 195,000 MT in MY 2023/24.