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Trade in organic products between the United States and Mexico is flourishing, reaching record highs in 2023. The top five organic exports from the United States to Mexico in 2023 were apples, pears, grapes, spinach, and lettuce.
Errata: The version of this report issued on May 9, 2023, with the title “Mexico Amends the National List of Permitted Substances for Organic Agriculture,” is replaced by this corrected report that provides a revised summary and background of a recent Government of Mexico (GOM) announcement regarding Mexico's organic program.
On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, the Federal Registry published the amendments to Annex 1 of the National List of Permitted Substances for Organic Agriculture.
Mexico has 1.2 million hectares of certified organic land in use. Eighty-six percent of all organic products are collected and harvested from natural habitats. In 2021, there were 48,641 certified organic producers in Mexico. The honey and coffee sectors have the most certified organic producers, while the avocado and berry industries produce the most in terms of value. Mexico represents an export market opportunity for U.S organic products, especially for younger and more affluent demographic groups.
This report provides a quick-reference guide to Mexico’s Organic Products Law (LPO) enforcement in 2022. The National Service for Food and Agricultural Health, Safety, and Quality (SENASICA) and the Consumer Protection Office (PROFECO) share enforcement responsibilities at points of entry and points of sale, respectively. Contact information and resources for both entities is provided.
Mexico has published new guidelines for use of its organic seal. Use of the organic seal is voluntary, but when used on organic products sold in Mexico, should follow the guidelines published in the Federal Gazette on December 3, 2021. The new...
This report serves as an update to “Reminder - New Organic Product Requirements to Take Effect in January 2022” (GAIN report no. MX2021-0072) and to disseminate organic compliance information, as shared by the National Service for Food and...
Mexico's new certification requirements for bulk/raw organic product imports will enter into force on January 1, 2022.
Mexico's Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development announced proposed changes to how it regulates the use of its organic seal and other organic labeling rubrics.
Mexico has updated its organic products law (LPO by its Spanish acronym) enforcement notification to the World Trade Organization (WTO) from the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures to the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade...
The extension for imports of organic raw materials entering Mexico to comply with the Organic Products Law (LPO) is official policy as of June 16, 2021.
Mexico posted a draft proposal to extend the deadline for imported products to comply with Mexico’s Organic Products Law (LPO) from June 2021 to January 2022.