Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: China's Hemp and Hemp Products Import Policies

While hemp has been grown in China for centuries, liberalization of production, processing, and use regulations have only come in recent years.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

France: Industrial Hemp in France

France is the third largest industrial hemp producer in the world and the top producer in Europe. The French hemp production and processing industry is heavily regulated with national and European Union laws and regulations.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Taiwan: Hemp

Taiwan has no rule or law allowing for the sale of CBD related products and drugs and currently has very little to no potential for importing hemp or hemp-related products.
U.S. exporters are reminded to obtain an “Export Authorization” document from the state agricultural department before sending any hemp seed shipments to a third market via Hong Kong.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Thailand: Industrial Hemp Report 2021

On January 25, 2021, the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) published a ministerial regulation allowing for the commercial production and use of hemp.
The eligibility of food and non-food products containing cannabidiol (CBD) in Hong Kong is uncertain, because tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a strictly controlled substance in Hong Kong...