Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: Thirst for Beer Holds Steady Amid Pandemic

Hong Kong is an open market offering good opportunities for U.S. beer exporters. Over the last two years, both beer imports and domestic sales have been stable despite the pandemic. In 2021, Hong Kong’s global beer imports held steady from the previous year at $115 million, making the city the fourteenth largest beer import market in the world. Domestic beer sales recovered 9 percent from 2020 at $732 million.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: US Hops Continue to Pop in Hong Kong

Over the last five years, Hong Kong’s global imports of hops expanded 42 percent, growing 10 percent to $7.2 million in 2021. The United States continues as the leading supplier enjoying 96 percent market share. Hong Kong re-exported 72 percent of its hop imports to other markets in the region, retaining 28 percent for local breweries.