Attaché Report (GAIN)

Colombia: Biofuels Annual

Colombia’s ethanol consumption in 2024 is projected to increase to 728 million liters, mainly owing to the government’s restored 10 percent ethanol mandate (E10). Heightened ethanol demand is expected to be met through imports, primarily from the United States, despite the countervailing duty on U.S. fuel ethanol.
During the past few years, the landscape for U.S. renewable diesel production has drastically changed, akin to the growth of ethanol and biodiesel during the past two decades. Driven by federal and state policies aimed at reducing emissions, this dramatic U.S. renewable diesel production and capacity growth is causing significant, market-altering shifts both domestically and to foreign feedstock trade.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Biofuels Annual

Argentine bioethanol consumption for 2022 is forecast at a record 1.1 billion liters due to the combination of increased gasoline demand and a higher blend rate, close to the maximum official blend rate. Biodiesel production in 2022 is projected to...