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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tunisia: Order on Pesticide MRLs

This report contains an unofficial translation of Tunisia's Order approving the Tunisian standard for maximum residue limits of pesticides (NT 117.03), which references its technical conformity....
This report contains an unofficial translation of the Order that cancelled the compulsory nature of Tunisian standards in the food industry sector, including those related to analyses and tests....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tunisia: Food and Feed Safety Law

This report contains an unofficial translation of Tunisia's draft law on food and feed safety, approved by the People's Assembly on February 12, 2019.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tunisia: Veterinary-Sanitary Control at the Border

This report contains an unofficial translation of Tunisian Decree No. 2002-668 on organizing the intervention of veterinarians and officials in charge of veterinary-sanitary control for imports....
This report contains an unofficial translation of Decree No. 2016-1269 on the fees charged for administering veterinary-sanitary control at the border.
This report contains an unofficial translation of Law No. 99-24 on veterinary-sanitary control for imports and exports.
This report contains an unofficial translation of MinAg’s Order on its methods of veterinary-sanitary control in respect to granting health approvals to establishments producing, processing....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tunisia: Import Financing Restored for Consumer Products

Effective December 21, 2018, Tunisia repealed its ban on import financing for select imported consumer goods it deemed as “non-essential,” which earlier came into effect October 27, 2017....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tunisia: No More Import Financing for Consumer Products

Effective October 27, Tunisian banks stopped financing the importation of non-essential consumer products, adversely impacting between $5-30 million of U.S. food and agricultural sales.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Tunisia: Aquaculture Industry Small but Growing

Tunisia’s aquaculture production rose from a small 140 MT in 1987 to 15,200 MT in 2016, valued at $75 million, with long-term growth prospects of 10 percent annually....
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Lithuania: Fish and Seafood Market in Lithuania

In 2015 the total fish catch in Lithuania was 83,705 MT, which included the long-distance, Baltic Sea, and inland fisheries.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Lithuania: Fish and Seafood Market in Lithuania

In 2014 the total fish catch in Lithuania was 150,000 MT, which included the long-distance, Baltic Sea, and inland fisheries.