Attaché Report (GAIN)

Japan: Japanese Standards for Raw Oyster Imports

Fresh oyster imports to Japan must comply with Japan’s (i) Specific Standard for Oysters for Raw Consumption and (ii) Handling of Toxic Shellfish Contaminated with Paralytic and Diarrheal Shellfish...
On August 18, 2020, the city of Shenzhen in South China imposed new COVID-19 handling and testing requirements for imports of frozen meat and seafood.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

China: Guangzhou Continues Importing Meat and Seafood

Despite widespread news stories to the contrary, the city of Guangzhou – a major metropolis in South China – has not/not suspended imports of meat and seafood.
Peru’s Fisheries Sanitary Agency (SANIPES) grants temporary access to imported fish and seafood for reprocessing.