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In 2023, the United States remained the fourth largest exporter of consumer-oriented products to China, with demand for U.S. food processing ingredients, such as tree nuts, dried peas, dried fruit, ginseng, hops, and surimi, experiencing significant growth.
This GAIN-INDIA report is an addendum to FAS India's (New Delhi, Mumbai) (Post) GAIN-INDIA | IN2024-0012 | India’s Wine Product Labeling Requirements – Update 2024. Post sought out additional regulatory review, and has obtained a revised confirmation from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) that its Food Safety and Standards (Labeling and Display) Regulations now do not require an expiry date for wine products.
Indonesia offers significant opportunities for U.S. ingredient suppliers to meet the demand for raw materials for its food processing industry. The United States is the third largest agricultural supplier to Indonesia, with an 11-percent market share.
This report highlights Japan’s food processing industry, notable trends, and a market snapshot of western Japan. The industry experienced a 4.1 percent decline in the value of food produced in 2023 from 2022 on a dollar basis totaling $182 billion compared to $190 billion in 2022.
Turkiye’s food and beverage sector depends on domestic and imported ingredients, a large portion of which are sourced from Europe. European ingredients enjoy zero or low import duties under preferential trade agreements, as well as lower freight costs.
Greece’s MY 2023/24 cotton production is estimated at 970,000 bales, down 33 percent from the previous season due to significant rainstorms which caused widespread flooding in Central Greece in early September 2023.
The global economic slowdown and illegal imports of cheaper textile products continue to hinder the growth of the Indonesian textile and textile products industry in 2023/24.
FAS Mumbai estimates marketing year (MY) 2024/25 India cotton production at 25.4 million 480 lb. bales on 12.4 million hectares area planted, a two percent decrease from the previous year due to the expectation that farmers will shift cotton acreage to higher return crops such as pulses, maize, and paddy.
Feed production is forecast lower on declining demand from poultry and livestock producers. Corn production in MY2024/25 is forecast larger than MY2023/24 due to improved yields and a slightly larger planting area, despite government policies encouraging increased soy area and reduced corn area.
Imports of wheat and rice are forecast up in MY2024/25 mainly because of increased consumption. Corn and rice production is expected to increase due to favorable weather conditions, adoption of improved seed varieties, and the implementation of the second phase of the Government of Ghana’s (GOG) farmer support program.
FAS Dar es Salaam anticipates corn production will decline 6 percent in marketing year (MY) 2024/25 as farmers switch to alternative crops due to low corn prices. MY 2024/25 wheat imports are anticipated to reach 1.3 million metric tons (MT) as rising incomes and growth in the tourism and hospitality sectors increase demand for wheat products.
The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) reorganized and restructured its food safety regulatory system in 2018-2019, substantially changing registration procedures and import requirements applicable to U.S. exports of feed and feed additives.