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For 2022, robust tourism demand will be a key driver for economic growth in the Dominican Republic (DR). The World Tourism Organization recognized the Caribbean nation as its top-ranked country after its rapid recovery in tourism following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Australia’s table grape production is expected to increase to 210,000 MT in marketing year (MY) 2022/23, from an estimated 180,000 metric tons (MT) in MY 2021/22. This is with the expectation of slightly improved harvest labor availability and better seasonal conditions at harvest. Despite expanded vine plantings in recent years now coming into fruiting, production has been hindered by challenges.
The Australian consumer foodservice industry is valued at A$54 (US$41) billion. Australia’s commercial foodservice sector is a competitive market and with an ageing population, the institutional foodservice sector (aged care, hospitals, etc.) continues to grow. Most industry operators in the hotel and resort sector derive a significant portion of revenue from the sale of meals and beverages prepared at onsite restaurants.
The Dominican Republic (DR) achieved a record year for rice production in calendar year 2021 (CY 2021) of 654,156 metric tons (MT) and CY 2022 is showing similar results with estimated production of 658,000 MT. The COVID-19 pandemic did not have a significant impact on production and consumption of rice; meanwhile, local retail prices have slightly risen. As of July 2022, the milled rice tariff rate quota (TRQ) has reached a 72 percent usage rate and is on track to exceed 100 percent.
FAS/Canberra’s sugar cane production estimate for Australia is revised up for marketing year (MY) 2022/23 to 33 million metric tons (MMT), with the major production areas receiving well above-average rains during harvest which has promoted greater sugar cane growth.
Australian beef supply is forecast to make a substantial step towards recovery in 2023 after falling to the lowest level in decades in 2021 and generating only a marginal improvement in 2022. The Australian cattle industry is expected to continue its strong herd rebuild in 2023 but with female slaughter rates rising.
Stone fruit production in Australia is forecast to increase in marketing year (MY) 2022/23, following a MY 2021/22 season that was impacted by a shortage of labor supply at harvest, export freight logistical challenges borne about by the COVID-19...
Australia is expected to produce a third consecutive big grain crop in marketing year (MY) 2022/23 after a record setting winter crop and strong summer crop production in MY 2021/22. Another broadly favorable set of conditions around the time of winter grain planting and the early growth phase across most production regions bodes well for wheat and barley production in MY 2022/23.
All foods sold in Australia must comply with a range of laws designed to protect consumer, plant, and animal health. These laws apply equally to imported and locally produced foods. All imported food must comply with quarantine and imported food requirements, and then with food safety requirements.
This report summarizes the key technical and import requirements for food and agricultural products imposed by the Government of the Dominican Republic. As of June, 2022 no changes were implemented on technical and import requirements for food and agricultural products.
Dominican Republic: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Export Certificate Report
This report describes the major export certificates required by the Government of the Dominican Republic (DR) for imports of food and agricultural products. No substantive changes were published as of June 2022.
This report lists examples of the major export certificates and other documentation required by the Government of Australia for U.S. exports of food and agricultural products. Australia’s import requirements for food and agricultural products are complex and change frequently.