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The craft beer market in South Africa is very small in comparison to the United States. However, the growing popularity of craft beer in South Africa, may present opportunities....
Argentine sugar production for marketing year 2019/20 is forecast stable at 1.68 million tons, raw value, with domestic consumption continuing its downward trend and exports forecast....
For marketing year 2019/20, wheat production is forecast at a record 20.4 million tons with exports expected at 14.5 million tons.
Peru’s food processing industry is a dynamic sector of the national economy.
This report updates import requirements and regulations for food and agricultural products currently required by the Government of Tanzania (GoT).
This report lists the main Nicaraguan food laws, technical regulations and import requirements.
This report identifies the different export certification requirements currently in place by product.
Ministry of Agriculture Regulation Number 13/2019 sets new requirements for animal-based feed ingredient imports.
The following report updates a 2017 report regarding the overall picture of U.S. food and agricultural exports to Romania.
The Netherlands is increasingly becoming one of Europe’s leading importers and exporters of seafood products.
Coffee production in marketing year (MY) 2019/20 (April/March) is forecast at 4.5 million bags (60- kilograms per bag), increasing 3 percent from the previous year.
According to Statistics Canada planting intentions and assuming average yields, Post forecast total production of wheat, barley, corn and oats to reach 53.6 million metric tons (MMT) in 2016/2017.