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The EU set a 10 percent target for renewable energy use in transport for 2020, and raised the target to 14 percent in 2030, with advanced biofuels counting double to the target.
In December 2018, Canada released a highly anticipated document outlining the beginnings of a nationwide framework for switching from a volumetric to a carbon intensity approach for renewable fuels.
India’s average blending rate for ethanol in gasoline is expected to reach a record 5.8 percent, up from a previous record 4.1 percent last year and considerably higher than historical levels.
Indonesia’s palm-based biodiesel industry enjoyed a large expansion in 2018 with the beginning of nationwide expansion of B20 to the non-public (Non-PSO) transport sector and a sharp jump in overseas
Argentina’s fuel ethanol production and consumption remains stable with 2019 forecast at 1.1 billion liters with no trade expected and the E12 mandate blend near 11.5 percent.
In January 2019, Colombia’s Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism initiated a countervailing duty (CVD) investigation on U.S. ethanol at the behest of the National Biofuels....
China’s race to improve air quality is emerging as the major driver for expanded fuel ethanol production and use.
In 2018, Bulgarian broiler meat production grew by 10 percent and duck meat production increased by 18 percent over 2017.
In 2018, the Bulgarian dairy industry continued to stabilize. Despite a decline in the dairy inventory and a 7 percent decrease in cow milk production, milk collection increased....
On July 26, 2019, the Commission authorized nine genetically modified products for food and feed uses and one as ornamental cut flower.
On July 23, 2019, the European Commission released a Communication detailing actions the EU could take to combat deforestation in the world.
On August 1, 2019, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) published its long-range forecast for the second half of the southwest monsoon (August to September), predicting normal rainfall for 2019.