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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Sugar Annual

Private sugar mill expansion and higher rainfall as a result of La Nina weather patterns are expected to increase sugarcane yields, leading to increased sugar production in 2022/23. Despite the expected increase in production, imports of raw sugar are also forecast to increase, mainly due to higher sugar demand from the growing food and beverage industry.
Trade Yearbook

2021 Agricultural Export Yearbook

The 2021 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook provides a statistical summary of U.S. agricultural commodity exports to the world.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Cotton and Products Annual

Declining cases of COVID-19 globally and domestically are expected to increase overall demand for textile and textile products. Therefore, following an 8.2 percent decline in 2020/21, cotton imports are expected rebound by 12.7 percent to 2.6 million bales in 2021/22.
The Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency (IAQA) has updated the Fresh Food of Plant Origin (FFPO) requirements under its Prior Notice system. This report details the updated requirements, which will enter into force on May 10, 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Food Processing Ingredients

Indonesia currently imports 60 percent of the raw materials needed for its growing food processing industry. In 2021, exports of U.S. agricultural products to Indonesia increased by nine percent largely due to higher demand for soybean, beef, and corn.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Grain and Feed Annual

High global commodity prices are expected to slow the growth of 2021/22 Indonesian wheat imports and lower the use of wheat in feed formulation.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Oilseeds and Products Annual

Indonesia palm oil production is expected to reach 46 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022/23 on favorable weather and higher producer profit margins. Palm oil exports for 2021/22 are revised down from the previous update due to the Government of Indonesia’s domestic market obligation (DMO) requirement, which increased to 30 percent from 20 percent.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Oilseeds and Products Update

Indonesia kicked off 2022 by rolling out several market intervention policies in response to recent rising prices for cooking oil. From January 19-31, 2022, Indonesia implemented a temporary cooking oil subsidy program utilizing the Crude Palm Oil (CPO) fund, the same funding source that subsidizes the biodiesel mandate program.
The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) notified a draft decree to the WTO TBT Committee on January 6, 2022, as G/TBT/N/IDN/140 regarding materials that are exempted from mandatory halal certification.
On July 2, 2021, Indonesia notified Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) Decree 748/2021 regarding Types of Products Mandatory to be Halal Certified as G/TBT/N/IDN/134 to the WTO TBT Committee and again on December 1, 2021 as G/TBT/N/IDN/134/Add.1.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Exporter Guide

In 2020, U.S. agricultural exports to Indonesia totaled $3 billion, making it the 11th largest market for U.S. agricultural exports. Major exports include soybeans, wheat, cotton, milk powder, feeds and fodders, dairy, fresh fruit, and beef and beef products.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Indonesia: Cotton and Products Update

In line with gradual economic recovery due to improving COVID-19 pandemic conditions, Indonesia’s cotton consumption is forecast to increase to 2.5 million bales in 2021/22, up approximately 2 percent from 2.45 million bales in 2020/21.