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Assurances of support from bilateral creditors and the IMF, and goodwill from the international community in helping Ghana weather the economic storm has offered a brighter hope of an economic resurgence.
Traditionally, Ghana’s livestock sector mainly comprises cattle (for beef), sheep, goats, pigs (hogs), and poultry enterprises.
FAS/Nairobi forecasts an increase in corn and wheat production in marketing year (MY) 2023/24, to 3.18 million metric tons (MT) and 310,000 MT respectively due to increases in harvested area as farmers respond to high crop prices by planting more wheat and corn.
MY 2023/24 corn production is anticipated to increase roughly 3 percent to 6.1 million metric tons (MT) as more farmers switch to corn production in response to high prices. Post anticipates production will remain below historical levels due to high fertilizer prices and fall army worm outbreaks.
On January 31, 2023, the South African Ministry of Health issued a Government Notice (R 2986) inviting comments on the draft regulation relating to the labeling and advertising of foods.
The energy crisis, which has resulted in the declaration of a National State of Disaster, is causing disruptions and rising costs for the advanced and diverse agriculture and food sector in South Africa, which is heavily reliant upon electrification.
On February 3, 2022, Kenya notified a draft standard on labeling for genetically modified seed (KS 2983-2023) to the WTO TBT Committee as G/TBT/N/KEN/1379. The comment deadline is 60 days from the date of notification with June 2023 as the proposed date of adoption.
The poultry sector in Cote d’Ivoire is well established and contributes a substantial amount to the country’s agricultural GDP. Despite many challenges, such as Avian Influenza outbreaks and rising costs of feed and transport, the Ivoirian poultry industry has been able to overcome these challenges with great success.
The Namibian Ministry of Agriculture appears to have granted an extension to consignments that were already prepared for departure to Namibia before the announcement of the Circular V15 of 2022 on December 7, 2022.
South Africa is experiencing significant scheduled power outages, known as loadshedding, to share the limited available energy supply and protect the integrity of the power grid. In 2022 power outages were implemented more than 200 times. Although...
South Africa’s grain production is off to a decent start in marketing year 2022/23. Above-average rains over most parts of the summer rainfall production area during November and December enhanced crop plantings and provided conducive growing conditions.
In a signed letter to the Veterinary Medical Officer of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), dated January 12, 2023, the Acting Chief Veterinary Officer of the Ghanaian Veterinary Services Directorate of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture acknowledged receipt of the FSIS’ proposed certificate of export for pork and pork products, and confirmed its acceptance.