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Germany has 83 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers and is by far the biggest market in the European Union.
Ethanol production using sugarcane and molasses in 2018 is expected to increase to 270 million liters (ML) from 235 ML the previous year as aggregate capacity increases.
On November 22, 2018, Japan notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of draft amendments to the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for the pesticides Chlorpropham, Fenubucarb, and Imidacloprid....
Due to bad weather during the flowering and fruit growing seasons, Korean fresh apple production is projected to decrease by 14 percent to 467,800 metric tons (MT) in Marketing Year (MY) 2018/19.
Turkish soybean area for MY 2018/19 is about 26,000 hectares and production is 100,000 MT, lower due to increases in cotton planting in recent years.
Post forecasts Brazil’s 2018/19 marketing year (MY) cotton area to reach 1.4 million hectares (ha), an increase of 19 percent compared to the previous MY.
Mexico imported nearly $4.4 million of frozen duck meat in 2017.
Fresh orange production is forecast at 500,000 metric tons (MT) in 2018/19, down 3 percent on the estimate for the previous year.
Rice export prices increased 1 percent due to the strengthening Thai baht and white rice purchases from China and the Philippines.
The Australian federal government is supportive of biotechnology and has committed considerable long-term funding to research and development.
This report provides information on the laws and regulations for food, import rules for food, and contact information in the Czech Republic.
China’s addition of 0.8 MMT of cotton import quotas this year is expected to push imports up to 1.5 million metric tons (MMT) in marketing year (MY) 18/19.