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Despite multiple government and private sector initiatives to increase coffee production in Mexico, the MY 2020/21 forecast shows only a moderate increase.
FAS Mumbai estimates marketing year (MY) 2020/21 coffee crop (Oct/Sep) to increase by nearly 9 percent to 5.3 million 60-kilogram bags.
Korea updated the web portal used to register foreign food facilities that export to this market. Registration is a requirement for import clearance and must be renewed every two years.
On April 29, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture provided explanations to the industry and related associations on imports of genetically engineered (GE) soybeans and soybean meal...
This report explains why official the USDA stocks and stocks-to-use estimates for Brazil's cotton production, supply, and distribution (PSD) are unusually high.
Weekly report as of May 15, 2020, of COVID19 impact on India's food retail sector.
Weekly report as of May 15, 2020, of COVID-19 impact on Indian port operations.
Kazakhstan has started unwinding many COVID-19 restrictions, ending the state of emergency and planning for an end to export restrictions.
Four fur farms in the Netherlands detected coronavirus (COVID-19) in mink, as well as in some cats residing at these farms.
Dutch hemp production occurs exclusively in the northeast part of the country, particularly in the province of Groningen where 69 percent of Dutch hemp is cultivated.
The Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality has announced a €5 billion ($5.4 billion) package of structural measures aimed to reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands.
The suddenness of the COVID-19 outbreak caught Israel unprepared in many aspects.