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Since March 27, 2020, the South African Government has banned the sale and transport of all alcoholic beverages, causing strain on both the domestic and import industries.
Brazil offers a variety of opportunities for American exporters of plant-based products. As the market evolves, plant-based products have become cheaper and more competitive...
On April 13, CEFTA member countries implemented a regional green corridors system at certain border crossings.
The government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) has enacted stringent measures to counter the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
On April 8, 2020 France published its fifth emergency decree banning fresh cherry imports from countries where the use of the chemical dimethoate is permitted in cherry production.
Recent demographic data indicates a reversal in the traditional gender ratio of Japanese farmers. Historically, women farmers outnumbered male farmers in Japan.
This report contains summaries of relevant decisions and documents from the Armenia-BelarusKazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Russia Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) meetings...
After several years of negotiations, on April 28, 2020, FAS/Brasilia received an official response from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA), approving the final language...
The Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued guidelines to test imported fresh produce for pesticide residues according to the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health No. 387...
Based on research conducted by the Dutch government, it is now believed that mink which were infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) may have transmitted the virus to a farm employee.
Overall sales of the Dutch food retail industry have increased nine percent since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The German Government’s hand was forced to introduce higher labor standards in the meat industry after several COVID-19 infections in slaughterhouses exposed grim labor conditions.