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Egypt’s Hotel-Restaurant-Institutional (HRI) sector in 2019 generated $13 billion in revenues, an 11.5 percent increase from 2018.
This guide serves as a resource for U.S. companies seeking to do business in Thailand and provides market overviews, practical tips and information on local business practices...
Exports from the United States of agricultural and related products to Mexico totaled $20 billion in 2019.
The United Kingdom (UK) is approaching the end of the transition phase of departure from the European Union (EU).
The Dominican Republic continues to be a strong market for U.S. bulk agricultural products (corn), intermediate goods (soybean meal), and high value consumer-oriented products...
Poland opposes of the use of genetic engineering (GE) in agriculture.
Mexico has not approved any biotechnology food or feed products since May 2018 and there is no official indication when approvals will resume.
In line with historical trends, fresh citrus production and consumption are forecast to continue upward in MY2020/21 to 35.6 MMT and 34 MMT, respectively.
Post is adjusting its Marketing Year (MY) 2020/21 crude palm oil (CPO) production forecast down 100,000 metric tons (MT) to 19.6 million MT as labor issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic...
The planting of the winter rabi crops for the Indian crop year (ICY) 2020/2021 (July-June) is ahead of last year due to a timely harvest of the kharif (fall harvested) crops...
Germany is home to more than 83 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers and is by far the largest market in the European Union.
Bulgaria is a small but growing market for U.S. food and agricultural products. In 2019, total Bulgarian food and agricultural imports were valued at $3.7 billion, of which nearly 1.8 percent, or $64.