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All the sections of the Report have been updated based on updated website links and contacts, as well as to comply with the updated reporting instructions.
All the sections of the report have been updated based on recent amendments to regulations, updated website links and to comply with the updated reporting instructions.
This report contains the list of all the mandatory export certificates required by the Government of Guatemala for U.S. agricultural exports.
This report has detailed updates for all sections, including a new section on trade facilitation.
Croatia is a net food importer and the government policy is geared towards raising agricultural productivity and, to a lesser extent, controlling imports.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) allows permitted import of genetically engineered (GE) products based on the 2009 Law on “Genetically Modified Organisms” (“GMOs”) and its pertaining bylaws.
This report covers an overview of the UK food service market.
Post raises its corn production estimate for market year (MY) 2019/20 (March 2020 – February 2021) by 3 million metric tons (MMT) to 103 MMT, based on a large expansion of area...
This report discusses regulatory requirements and standards that must be fulfilled to export food and agricultural products to Ethiopia.
This report provides examples for the major export certificates and other documents required by the government of El Salvador for U.S. exports of food and agricultural products.
In El Salvador there is no specific food law. However, the Ministry of Health’s (MINSAL) Health Code is used to enforce food safety for all food and beverage products.
September 17, the European Commission presented its 2030 Climate Target Plan, in which the main objective is the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to at least 55 percent below 1990 levels...