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This report is an overview and update of Japan’s food and agricultural import regulations and standards (FAIRS).
Although New Zealand has been less impacted by COVID-19 than most countries around the world, it has still had a major effect on the HRI sector.
Post maintains its forecast for soybean planted area at 38.5 million hectares (ha) for 2020/21, up from 36.9 million ha in 2019/20.
For Marketing Year October 2020/September 2021 (MY 2020/21), Post forecasts overall sugar production to increase to 610,000 metric tons (MT) due to favorable weather conditions.
On September 20, the Rajya Sabha (upper house) passed two farm bills amid significant protests, and a third bill passed on September 22 following opposition boycott.
On September 28, 2020, Mexico notified the World Trade Organization (WTO), via symbol G/TBT/N/MEX/477, changes to import procedures for milk powder products listed under Harmonized System (HS)...
On October 1, 2020 Mexico modified its Foreign Trade Law Agreement to comply with its new Frontof-Package Labeling (FOPL) law that also went into effect on October 1.
This report provides an unofficial translation of Decree 102/2020/ND-CP regulating the Vietnam Timber Legality Assurance System (VNTLAS), issued on September 01, 2020.
Weekly report as of October 1, 2020, of COVID-19 impact on Indian port operations.
On September 18, 2020, India notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO) a draft regulation related to new labeling requirements for packaged foods containing sweeteners.
Turkey’s sugar beet production is forecast at 19 MMT in MY 2020/21 and is expected to result in 2.75 MMT of sugar.
Brazil’s MY 2020/21 sugarcane crush has been revised upward to 655 million metric tons (mmt), due to overall favorable weather conditions in the north-northeastern growing region.