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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Taiwan: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

In MY 2019/2020, the United States was the leading supplier of apple exports to Taiwan, valued at $78 million and accounting for 31 percent market share.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Raisin Annual

Argentina’s raisin production is forecast to remain stable in CY 2021 at 44,000 metric tons (MT) due to favorable weather conditions.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Costa Rica: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

Transgenic seed varieties have been grown in Costa Rica since 1992. All of the seeds are exported to the United States.
On October 7, 2020, Brazil adopted additional requirements for the import of fresh fruits and materials of plant origin intended for propagation or reproduction into Brazil.
On Tuesday October 27 Mexico's Secretariat of Economy released updated "criteria" for imported products to comply with NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 - General Specifications for Labeling of Prepackaged...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: Growing Food Markets in Israel

Growing food markets in Israel: • Meat substitutes • Fruit shakes
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Iceland: Scrapie Identified in Sheep in Iceland

Scrapie (a fatal, degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of sheep and goats) was confirmed in a sheep on the Stóru-Akrar farm (home to 800 sheep) in Skagafjörður, Iceland.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Netherlands: HPAI Detected on a Commercial Poultry Farm

After previously identifying highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wild birds, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has confirmed a finding on a commercial poultry farm...
Post anticipates a fifteen percent decline in Spanish cotton production for MY2020/21.
On October 23, 2020, the EU Ministers for Environment adopted the Council Conclusions on the Biodiversity Strategy.
The Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has released the draft Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis (BIRA) for fresh apple fruit from the Pacific Northwest states...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Argentina: Grain and Feed Update

MY2020/21 wheat production is forecast at 17.4 million tons, 8 percent lower than USDA due to weather losses, reducing exports to 11.2 million tons.