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Bulgaria is a small but growing market for U.S. food and agricultural products. In 2019, total Bulgarian food and agricultural imports were valued at $3.7 billion, of which nearly 1.8 percent, or $64.
Poland is Central and Eastern Europe’s largest market for food and beverage products. With its population of over 38 million people, Poland is a growing and viable market for U.S. food...
Korea’s total citrus production for Marketing Year (MY) 2020/21 (October – September) is projected to reach 660,000 metric tons (MT).
Costa Rica’s orange production is forecast to decline to 285,000 metric tons (MT) in Marketing Year (MY) 2020/2021.
On November 23, 2020, the Crop Production Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) released for domestic comments the draft national food safety standard...
On November 21, 2020, President Putin signed decree No. 730 extending Russia’s ban on the import of agricultural products from the countries that applied economic sanctions against Russia...
On September 23, 2020, the Thai Excise Department published a revised notification on quality standard for imported alcoholic.
Mexico has announced proposed changes to its organic import procedures under the “Agreement Establishing Goods whose Import and Export are Subject to Regulation by the Ministry of Agriculture...
Egypt’s National Food Safety Agency Decision No. 4/2020 on authorized food additives replaces Ministry of Health Decree 204 (2015) on regulated food additives.
On December 14, 2020, the European Commission launched a public consultation on possible revisions to the European Union (EU) feed additives legislation.
On December 18, 2020, the European Commission published a roadmap outlining its intention to review the EU rules for food contact materials.
This report should be read in conjunction with the EU-28 Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (FAIRS) report written by the U.S. Mission to the EU.