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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Wonton - Volume 3 Issue 16

Bite size local news, Post reports and activity summaries wrapped by ATO Hong Kong. In this issue: Alaska Seafood and ATO Reconnect with Hong Kong Traders
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

This report lists and describes certificates that should accompany food and agricultural products to Israel.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Wonton - Volume 3 Issue 15

Bite size local news, Post reports and activity summaries wrapped by ATO Hong Kong.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: FAIRS Annual Country Report

This report provides guidelines on Hong Kong’s food import regulations. For the 2023 FAIRS report, the following changes have been made: 1) Section II – Labeling. Effective December 1, 2023, food containing hydrogenated oils must be labeled, 2) Instructions for brand name and food name on package have been updated...
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Israel: FAIRS Annual Country Report

Israel amended its Public Health Protection Act (Food) to reduce regulatory burdens on food importation.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: FAIRS Export Certificate Report Annual

Hong Kong does not have any certification changes for food imports since the last report submitted in July 2022.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Wonton - Volume 3 Issue 14

Bite size local news, Post reports and activity summaries wrapped by ATO Hong Kong. In this issue: ATO Joins California Wine Institute to Kick Off California Wine Month; Financial Secretary Uncertain Hong Kong Can Achieve Growth Relying Only on Local Consumption and Tourism
The Hong Kong government (HKG) has launched a public consultation process on proposed amendments to its Preservatives in Food Regulations. Interested parties are welcome to submit comments before August 28, 2023.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Wonton - Volume 3 Issue 13

Bite size local news, Post reports and activity summaries wrapped by ATO Hong Kong. In this issue: ATO Kicks Off Summer 2023 In-Store Retail Promotions; Most Business Receipts in Hong Kong Scored Two-digit Improvement for the First Quarter 2023; Hong Kong is Growing Faster Than Singapore
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: Retail Foods Annual

Despite a small population of 7.3 million people, Hong Kong is the tenth-largest export market for U.S. consumer-ready agricultural products. Hong Kong has always been an attractive market for innovative U.S. food and beverage products as well as a gateway to the region.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Wonton - Volume 3 Issue 12

Bite size local news, Post reports and activity summaries wrapped by ATO Hong Kong. In this issue: Update on Hong Kong’s imports of Poultry Products and Eggs; Keep Spending is Main Strategy to Stabilize Economy; Hong Kong Named the Second Most Expensive Location in the World
The Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (EPD) implemented the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Glass Beverage Containers (GPRS) on May 1, 2023. Upholding the “polluter pays” principle, the GPRS requires stakeholders to share the responsibility for the collection, recycling, treatment, and disposal of glass beverage container products.