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Attaché Report (GAIN)

Estonia: Grain and Feed Update

Estonia’s total wheat, rye, mixed grains, triticale, barley, corn, and oat production in marketing year (MY) 2021/22 is forecast at 1.5 million metric tons (MMT), a 6.3-percent decrease from MY 2020/21.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: New Zealand Proposes Biofuels Mandate

The New Zealand Government is proposing to introduce a sustainably-produced biofuels mandate for transport fuels in New Zealand.
Despite its small size, New Zealand is already an important market for alcoholic beverages and ingredients from the United States.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Semi-annual

Although early indications were for a near-record New Zealand apple crop in 2020/2021, a number of factors have tempered expectations.
Commodity Intelligence Report

New Zealand: Dairy and Products Semi-annual

Despite a declining national dairy herd, New Zealand milk production continues to rise and is forecast to reach a record in 2021.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: Food Processing Ingredients

For a small country, New Zealand is a major exporter of food and beverage products, and many of these products are manufactured in-country and require inputs imported from other countries.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: Food Processing Ingredients

For a small country, New Zealand is a major exporter of food and beverage products, and many of these products are manufactured in-country and require inputs imported from other countries.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: Livestock and Products Semi-Annual

New Zealand beef production for 2021 is forecast at 681,000 metric tons (MT), six percent less than the 2020 total, which reached a record volume of 727,000 MT.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

New Zealand: New Zealand Grain and Feed Market Situation

Total grain and feed (including oilseed meal) consumption in New Zealand is currently estimated at 5.8 million metric tons (MMT) for marketing year (MY) 2020, up nearly one percent over MY2019.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Estonia: Estonian New Agriculture and Food Board

On January 1, 2021, Estonia established a new Agriculture and Food Board under the Ministry of Agricultural Affairs.
New Zealand is both a huge producer and exporter of meat products, exporting 70 percent of production.
The import tariffs and quotas for some Australian and New Zealand dairy products (including whole milk powder, whey, cheese, and anhydrous milk) were removed on January 1, 2021.