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This is a biweekly report outlining the prices of agricultural commodities in Bangladesh, as well as major trade and policy updates.
This is a biweekly report outlining the prices of agricultural commodities in Bangladesh, as well as major trade and policy updates.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bangladesh: Grain and Feed Update

In marketing year (MY) 2022/23, Post’s rice harvested area and production forecasts increased slightly to 11.55 million hectares and 35.85 million metric tons (MT), respectively, on a good Aman season harvest.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Bangladesh: Exporter Guide Annual

In calendar year 2021, Bangladesh imported $12 million of consumer-oriented food from the United States, up 11 percent over 2016. The income and purchasing power of the middle-class continue to reach new heights, boosting demand for imported food.
As of January 1, 2023, Spain implemented a special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging that also applies to imported food products. For imports, payment of the tax is the responsibility of the importer, although third country manufacturers must provide their Spanish buyers with information regarding the amount of non-recyclable plastic packaging used in their products’ packaging.
This is a biweekly report outlining the prices of agricultural commodities in Bangladesh, as well as major trade and policy updates.
This is a biweekly report outlining the prices of agricultural commodities in Bangladesh, as well as major trade and policy updates.
This is a weekly report outlining the prices of agricultural commodities in Bangladesh, as well as major trade and policy updates.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Spain: Exporter Guide

In 2021, Spain imported $1.7 billion of agricultural and related products from the United States. Outside the European Union Member States, the United States was the fifth largest origin of Spanish agricultural and related imports. After the deep recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Spain’s economy is starting to recover, supported by improving domestic demand and a strong rebound of the hotel and restaurant industry as tourism returns to pre-pandemic levels.
This is a weekly report outlining the prices of agricultural commodities in Bangladesh, as well as major trade and policy updates.
This report focuses on specific Spanish certification requirements that differ from or are in addition to EU-harmonized certification. Compared to 2021, this report contains new country-specific certificates as well as updated links to relevant information sources and contacts.
On November 26, 2020, the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock enacted the Fisheries and Fisheries (Inspection and Quality Control) Act 2020 to enforce new laws reflecting the repealed provision of the Fish and Fish Products (Inspection and Quality Control) Ordinance 1983.